Quaternion Parameters

ChaosPro quaternion Quaternion Parameters

In order to create a Quaternion fractal it is necessary to specify several parameters:

Calculating them is a complicated task (for me to write the routines…), especially if the user should be able to change everything.

So please let me explain in short terms the meaning of the 6 tabs available in the parameter window.

I tried to organize the parameters, and hopefully most of the time you will work only with a few of these…

ChaosPro bullet Quaternion Parameters   Parameter This tab contains parameters to define the 3D sub space from the 4D Quaternion space.
If you want to know more about the specific parameters, see Parameter Tab
If you want to know more about Quaternion numbers, see Quaternion Math.
And if you want to know more about how ChaosPro defines 3D sub spaces from a 4D space, see Theory about Quaternions
ChaosPro bullet Quaternion Parameters   View The previous tab lets you define a 3D sub space from the 4D Quaternion space. This tab now lets you specify all items related to the observer:
This includes the observer position, the observer orientation and the view direction. A detailed description of each parameter can be found at View Parameters.
ChaosPro bullet Quaternion Parameters   Light This tab lets you specify all available light settings: This includes the light position, the intensity, etc. . ChaosPro uses a variation of the Phong lighting model. Of course, ray tracing programs would produce much better results, but the quality seems to be sufficient for a fractal generator. More info can be found at Light Parameters.
The previous three tabs let you specify all parameters which affect the view: The 3D sub space, the observer, the light. The next three tabs now let you specify all the fractal related stuff: Some transformation, the iteration formula, the coloring to apply.
ChaosPro bullet Quaternion Parameters   Transformation This tab lets you specify an initial transformation formula: Just as with the Escapetime fractal one can define transformations in the Quaternion space using the compiler. This transformation gets applied to the initial value. A more detailed description can be found at Quaternion Transformations.
ChaosPro bullet Quaternion Parameters   Formula Here you can choose the iteration formula and specify parameters for the selected formula. A more detailed description can be found at Quaternion Formulas.
ChaosPro bullet Quaternion Parameters   Coloring And the last tab lets you choose the coloring algorithm to use. The settings there do not affect the shape of the fractal, they only affect the colors of the object. A more detailed description can be found at Quaternion Coloring.

Quaternion Parameters