Arithmetic Operators

Remember basic arithmetic from school? These work just like those.

ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 Example   Name   Result 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 a + b   Addition   Sum of a and b. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 a – b   Subtraction   Difference of a and b. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 a * b   Multiplication   Product of a and b. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 a / b   Division   Quotient of a and b. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
  % b   Modulus   Remainder of a divided by b. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 a ^ b   Power   Raises a to the bth power. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 -b   Negation   Switches the sign of b. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators
 |a|   Modulus squared   Calculates the modulus squares of its operand. 
ChaosPro trans Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators