Predefined Functions – exp

Function name: exp – Exponential function
Synopsis: exp(x)

Input data type Output data type
real real
complex complex
quaternion quaternion


ChaosPro automatically detects the input data type.

In order to calculate exp(z) (z = any complex number) ChaosPro performs the following calculation:


In order to calculate exp(q) (q = any quaternion number) ChaosPro performs the following calculation:

  quaternion fr_exp(quaternion q)  {  quaternion ret;            n = sqrt( sqr(real(loquat(q))) + sqr(imag(loquat(q))) +sqr(imag(q)) );          ex = exp(real(q));          f = ex*sin(n);          if (n != 0.0)          {                  f = f/n;          }          c0 = ex*cos(n);          c1 = f*imag(q);          c2 = f*real(loquat(q));          c3 = f*imag(loquat(q));          ret = loquat(c2+flip(c3))+c0+flip(c1);          return(ret);  }  
