
ChaosPro knows a special type  of identifiers, also known as constants : Constants are variables without a name, thus you can not write to them, you can only read from them.

Constants are:

  • data type bool: true, false, TRUE, FALSE
  • data type int: any integer number, i.e. 0,1,2,-1,-2, …
  • data type real: any number containing a decimal point, i.e. 1.6, -9.88, 999.2727E-4
  • data type complex: (3,4) , (1.5,-8.3), (3/5), (8.4/5.4), 3+4.5i
    Note: The separator between the real part and the imaginary part may be either “,” or “/”.
    Note: You may either write (3,4) or (3/4) or 3+4i, ChaosPro will recognize these three types as the same complex constant.
  • data type quaternion: (3,4,5,6) , (1.5,-8.3,0,-0.4), (8.4/5.4/-3.2/0.1)
    Note: The separator between the different parts of a quaternion number may be either “,” or “/”.
    Note: You may either write (3,4) or (3/4), ChaosPro will recognize these types as the same quaternion constant.
