A.1 Program Directories
Although you can change the directory structure, ChaosPro’s default directory structure and the meaning of each directory is as follows:
- Base directory
This is where the ChaosPro program itself (the executable) is located. The configuration file ChaosPro.cfg is loaded from this directory and written into it. - Anims
This directory is the default for loading and saving parameter files describing an animation and AVI files. The animation file requesters point to this location. - Formulas
At program startup ChaosPro scans this directory for formula files (*.frm) containing formulas. This can be changed by specifying a different directory in the file ChaosPro.cfg - Fractals
At program initialization this directory will be scanned for parameter files (*.par files). All parameter files found in it and all fractal entries are loaded. Again, this can be changed by specifying a different directory in the file ChaosPro.cfg. - Palettes
At startup of ChaosPro this directory is scanned for *.map files describing palettes. All maps which are found in it are automatically loaded. Yet again, this can be changed by specifying a different directory / different directories in the file ChaosPro.cfg - Pictures
That’s the default directory for saving and loading images.